Risk and climate geoengineering

This work forms the first part of a two-year fellowship working with Ted Parsons at UCLA. The focus is on ways to sensibly assess the risks of solar geoengineering in the context of those climate risks that we might otherwise have to face. The project will involve reviewing existing efforts at risk-risk or risk trade-off analysis; examining diverse risk management repertoires and assessing the discursive implications of this terminology and methods. 

Publications & media

Comparing the Risks of Climate Change and Geoengineering. July 2023. A Legal Planet blogpost on the implications of the White House report on solar geoengineering research.

Toward Dangerous US Unilateralism on Solar Geoengineering. JC Stephens, P Kashwan, D McLaren, K Surprise, Environmental Politics 2023 

Are we jumping from the frying pan to the fire? Environmental Scientist, Dec 2022, pp30-35